Friday, July 25, 2014

How to relax after a long day a work.

Operational definition of relaxation: Any instance in which a Behavior Therapist is removed from the work environment and engages in a hobby or non-ABA related tasks. For example, after work Meghan blares show tunes in her car on the way home. A non example would be Meghan going to a library after work and studies ABA terminology for 4 hours.

I understand this definition needs some work but you get the overall picture. As you could tell this week has been long and somewhat stressful. I am still happy with my current position and the kids are great. But as any Behavior Therapists knows even good days require you to be fully committed to whatever student you are working on and taking full advantage of any training moment. Which can get draining at times.

I have come up with a list activities that help me relax after a long day:

1. Exercise: Now for most this sounds like the last thing they would like to do after a long day of working with kids, but hear me out. I am not putting any duration or magnitude requirements for working out. It could be something as simple as doing a plank for 1min or taking a walk. Recently I have been running outside, for me it causes me to focus on my pace/breathing to the point where I can no longer think about work. Then when you are done you have accomplished something and more relaxed to tackle whatever you like.

2. Spending time with a pet: The greeting when you get home from a dog is one of the most amazing happiness boosters in the world. My dog has a tendancy to run around the house 5 times, shake from the power of her tail wagging, and give you about 20 kisses before you even have a chance to put your bag down. After the shock of your arrival home, the dog will most likely lay right next to you and you end up mindlessly petting them into sleep. Relaxing for both parties

3. Binge Watching: I have to admit most nights I watch one episode of a show and by the end I can't keep my eyes open. Netflix has been my saving grace many a night when I could not calm down from work. Try watching something that doesn't require your full attention and full of jokes. My go-to shows are: Parks & Rec, Trailer Park Boys, and Freaks and Geeks. 

4. Craft Fest 2014: When in doubt and nothing else seems appealing I log onto Pinterest and craft up a storm. From no sew blankets to doodles of weird looking owls. Also all of this de-stressing crafting makes christmas time a lot cheaper/easier. Latest craft: Smash Booking (easiest way to spend sometime and put all of those random keepsakes to use).

Those are the major 4 activities that I do to relax after work. What do you do to zen out?

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