Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Where are you going? Where have you been?

So it has been close to a month since I have posted. There have been several life changes that have occurred that have left very little free time. Here is a run down:

Career: I am now a BT for a high school (of all places). The students so far are great, low levels of problematic behaviors. Most of my days are shadowing students in their assigned classes, assisting with homework, and collecting data for IEP goals. It is a completely new environment, there is so many different opportunities for these students from majoring in subject areas, after school programs, and the freedom of an open campus. The coworkers are super helpful and down to earth. The entire school staff seems to be friendly and most who are hired make a career within this school district. Also the BCBA that supervised me during the summer program will be working on my case load, yay having my work hours count.

Home: FINALLY I am moved into my new place with the boyfriend. It is taking some time getting used to each of our different schedules but it is coming along. It is great since we do have weekly activities put in place so we each get some solo time to chill. Also great news is we have an office where I have been able to begin studying for the boards again.

Personal Goals: With a job, a home, and health in check things are falling into place. I joined a gym where one of my classmates from Simmons goes to and we are planning a work out schedule. I am excited to get swimming, cycling, and running weekly. Also I am in the works of working some after school activities at work which should be a great experience.

As I begin studying I will be posting more about ABA theories and techniques. Furthermore, I will begin posting craft projects and all things autumn.

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