Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Struggle with The Job Switch/ May Bucket List

One major issue I have found when working in the field of behavior analysis, is the emotional toll it takes when switching a job. For most switching a job just focuses on changing pay, new co-workers, and different work environment. These are all honorable aspects to consider a new placement, but when your work is directly affecting lives of others it is difficult.

Now I am not glorifying behavior analysis as the only field that has this issue- doctors, therapists, teachers all have to face this. The rewards in these jobs are amazing- seeing the development of your clients based on your hard work. But there is also the horrible feeling you get when you tell a student/client you are leaving.

I have had reactions of joy, anger, and the worst rejection from clients and their families. Regardless of the emotions from the clients I still feel as though I stabbing each client and their families in the back. I feel as though I have become a monster in a matter of seconds. On the other hand I know that this is common for the field, I cannot be a therapist for the rest of my life and I hope that I will continue to make improvements (some by trial-and-multiple-errors) in others lives.

This coming week I have an interview for a summer program (and hopefully longer) in a near by town. Their ABA practices are highly developed for a public school system and well respected in the ABA field. I would love to develop a career there and the availability for elementary school staff is right up my alley. Come June if all goes as planned I have to tell my students whom I have been working with since early October that the fun train with Miss Meghan ends here.

So I ask, is there anyone out there that has perfected the script to let clients know you will not be returning???

BUCKET LIST FOR MAY (based off of The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin)

  • Healthier decisions: So far I have traded my daily coffee to a protein shake, been using my gym membership at least 3 times per week, and packing only healthy options for lunch at work. 
  • Reinstate Hobbies: I began reading for pleasure again (American Gods by Neil Gainman), planning craft projects, and began drawing again.
  • Studying Habits: finishing up all mentoring book keeping, purchasing the BACB modules, and set a study schedule with a friend for the exam.
  • Schedule in Friends: something I have put off during school was making time for friends, this shall be changing.

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