Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Ode to Joe

Completely unrelated to the wonderful world of ABA (its the first week of school- I need to focus on something else) I want to talk about my love affair. "Who is the lucky object of my affection?" you may ask. Well besides the guy who has been putting up with my shenanigans since 2007, I am talking about Trader Joes. Let me list the ways in which the groceries encapsulate my heart with joy:

1. Let them drink coffee: Two of my meals during the work day are consumed at work. My breakfast usually is a protein shake or smoothie of some sort because ease. Trader Joe's has allowed me to drink my coffee and eat my breakfast too. I give you Trader Joe's Coffee Concentrate, you use only two ounces to get a great cup of iced coffee. So when I really in need of a coffee I use the concentrate in my morning smoothie. Hello chocolate coffee protein shake.

2. A little sunshine: Trader Joe's you saucy devil you. You know I am a sucker for pretty flowers and you put them right in the front of the store. Every time I snag a small bouquet of tulips or hydrangeas I hear Donna and Tom from Parks and Rec saying "Treat Yo Self". Darn your beauty!!

3. Snacks! Snacks! Snacks: Snacks are a must for me during the week. The schedule changes daily and therefore my lunch break changes daily. So why not make that half hour be slightly more enjoyable with a variety of delicious snacks. Trader Joe's has the best bars, dried fruit, and trail mix compared to any other store. Just thinking about them makes me excited to pack a lunch (I have a bad case of the adult-itis). 

4. Mecca of Junk Food: If I want to get some junk food I will say NO to the candy isles in any other convenience or grocery store. Why get Pringles when you can get cookie butter?!?! Thats right people you can spread cookie on a cookie if that is what you choose. But I am holding out for the holidays when the most magical item arrives: The Astounding Multi-Flavor Joe-Joe's that are Decadently Enforced. They are the best flavors then dipped in a variety of chocolates. Sorry I'm not sorry Reese's PB Cups (jk I love you). 

4. When  you don't want to completely go off the wagon: When you are not fully ready to give yourself over to the junk food magic Joe's has plenty of foods that will give you comfort without the high cholesterol. My most recent find is Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins. Yes there is chocolate chips in them but they are small and have 5grams of soy protein. I had one for breakfast and I was full until noon. Another product is their Guilt Free Mac and Cheese which I think tastes better than their regular Mac. 

5. So fresh and so clean clean: Didn't know Trader Joe's sells some beauty and hygiene products? Boom, they do! Their Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo and Conditioner smell like high end shampoo and they do not break the bank. My hair feels great from using it and I hope when the cold weather comes it will beat the dry skin.

6. Try something new: Last, the best part about Trader Joe's is that although it is a small grocery store they have such a great variety of products. Growing up I was not an adventurous eater- my favorite sandwich was cheese and mustard. Now that adulthood has granted me an appreciation for more flavors and textures (sorry Mom it took so long). Their prices wont break the bank for a spur of the moment purchase of some delicious treats. Next time I am coming for you India Relish.

What store makes you happy as a clam? Why haven't you tried the concentrate yet? Go! It will change your caffeine needing life.

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